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Dividends360 provides a complete, informative, connected tool allowing investors to earn more income with less effort!
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One platform, complete functionality!

Dividends360 streamlines dividend investing with a user-friendly platform that integrates portfolio management, research, news, and investor networking all in one convenient tool.

Elevated Key Indicators

Dividends360 shows KPIs including income, yield, growth rates, diversification, and more to help you measure progress and identify focus areas needing action.

Easy Analysis

Intelligent visualization tools provide at-a-glance evaluation of income, top-performing and underperforming assets, portfolio diversification, and more.

Accurate & Quick

Get a complete picture of your investments with Dividends360 secure connection to all your brokerage accounts. Daily auto-updates mean you can easily view all your positions (equities, funds, bonds, options) without manual entry.

Achieve your Income Goals

Dividends360 empowers you with the research you need to optimize your investment strategy. Try out our screeners and portfolio ideas!

Tailored News

Your Interests, Your News. See the news that matters to you with customized news sources and filters from market-wide news to articles specific to your positions. See how Dividends360 keeps you informed for confident decision making.

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Built From Dividend Investor Direct Requests

300+ dividend investors surveyed
They said build a modern all in-one-tool that allows collaboration with others.
We listened...
We eliminated the need to access multiple platforms by consolidating research, planning, portfolio monitoring, and news. So investors can say goodbye to the hassle of switching between different applications and websites.
Dividends360 is the result
See for yourself if our all-in-one solution saves you time. New users have direct access to our founding team for a 1:1 demo to help us continue to improve!

What Investors say

As a new dividend investor, I love how Dividends360 consolidated all the necessary information in one place, making it easy to conduct research. The ability to create a watchlist for free is a great feature, Dividends360 is easier to use and seemed to have better information than I highly recommend it!
Zubaid Khan
Zubaid Khan
With Dividends360, you can say goodbye to the tedious process of scouring the internet for information on dividend-paying stocks. The platform consolidates all the essential data in one place, from dividend yield to financial health, allowing you to make informed decisions with ease. Plus, the watchlist feature is an absolute gem, providing valuable insights into the potential income and gains or losses of stocks I am interested in.
Tracy Knutson
Tracy Knutson
Dividends360 is a game-changing tool that saves me time by automatically updating all my positions. The platform's unique feature of analyzing how each position affects my income and future income potential helps me make informed decisions on my portfolio. The customizable watchlists and real-time alerts allow me to capitalize on new opportunities as they arise. I can’t believe I used to use an Excel spreadsheet to try to do what this now does for me!
Scott Wagoner
Scott Wagoner


D360 Pro
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Ideal for novices or those unfamiliar with dividend investing, offering a comprehensive introduction and insights into the dividend investment realm.
Track Your Investments in One Powerful Dashboard
D360 Pro Features
Dynamic KPI Portfolio Dashboards with Interactive Charts & Insights
Comprehensive Portfolio Income Tracking with Actual, Estimated & Future Projections
Intuitive Planning & Progress Tracking for Future Income & Portfolio Values
Customizable Account Groups & Table Columns
Always Ad-free
Personalized Ticker Price Alerts & Notes
Smart Watchlists Inform Simulated KPIs
Streamlined Ticker Research Profiles (Snapshots, Dividends, Financials, News & more)
Access to D360 Blogs & Newsletter
Light and Dark Mode
Screener with Robust Filters for Equities, ETFs & Mutual Funds
Configurable News Sources with Market & Portfolio Views
Data-driven Income Predictability Rating
Securely Sync Multiple Brokerage Accounts with Transaction History
Crafted for hands-on investors managing dividend/growth portfolios, featuring dynamic account linking, income forecasting, diversification analysis, and advanced tools.
Tailored for those desiring extensive research capabilities, providing Smart Watchlists,  Advanced Screeners, and detailed financial data for informed decision-making.
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